20917 Greenleaf Dr.
Cupertino, CA 95014 USA;
Tel +1(408) 982-6543
Contact us with questions about our products or OEM custom designs. We have all the building blocks for custom cards which can enable you to bring to market new projects at competitive prices and in record time. Raspberry Pi, Compute Module, Beagle Bone based or stand-alone controllers. Analog and digital inputs and outputs, relays and solid state drivers, event counters, quadrature encoders, thermistors, thermocouples, RTD sensors, serial ports and much more.
Three Sequent cards (Home, Building and Industrial Automation) are "Swiss Army Knife" types, packing all the possible functions in the available space. If extra functionality is desired, each card can be stacked up to eight levels. Additional universal inputs, relays or solid state outputs can be added using compatible cards.